Have you taken part in one of our core programmes? 

If you are a young person who has taken part in peer education through our History for Today or Voices for Equality programme, you can apply to become an Anne Frank Ambassador.

With trips, events, online workshops, creative projects, residentials and media interviews, it's an amazing opportunity to bring your anti-prejudice message to new audiences and make a real difference in the world around you. And you'll have one of our Anne Frank Workers as your anti-prejudice mentor until you reach age 16.

We are especially looking for young people who can speak from a personal experience of prejudice.

Anne's message is so important because other people need to be aware that prejudice and hate still continue today. We made a film and form-time resources for others to use in our school. We based them on homophobic language because we felt this was an issue in our school and we wanted to make a difference. As Anne Frank Ambassadors we have now formed an LGBT group at school and continue to make our voices heard. 

Anne Frank Ambassador, Yorkshire

What is an Anne Frank Ambassador?

As an Ambassador you are given a mentor and lots of exciting opportunities to help you develop your own voice to challenge prejudice. How you do that is up to you, you might start a project in your school or community, share your story through film or music, or get your message out through social media. Whatever you do, you always keep Anne Frank's legacy at the heart of your work, remembering and reflecting on the lessons of the Holocaust. We are always here to guide you as you discover all the ways you can build a world free from prejudice.

Who can apply?
  • anyone aged 9-15 who has taken part in one of our core programmes can apply to become an Anne Frank Ambassador
  • You can stay in our programme until you turn 16
  • places are limited, we give priority to young people who are disadvantaged (e.g. from low income families) or have personal experience of prejudice
Want to know more? 

Take a look at our Ambassador brochure for more details of what it means to be an Anne Frank Ambassador.


Since taking part in the programme I have seen such positive behaviour from our Ambassadors, understanding the importance of their message and wanting to promote it and look out for others around the schools. 

Teacher, Yorkshire

How to apply

We need three things from you if you want to apply to become an Anne Frank Ambassador.

  1. an original creative response to Anne Frank in any form e.g. artwork, an essay, piece of music, poem, presentation, story or short video
  2. a short personal statement about why you want to be an anti-prejudice ambassador (submitted in writing, audio or film format)
  3. signed consent from your parent or carer

Send your application to us at [email protected] and we will get back in touch to let you know if you've been successful. We look at applications once every school term and if you are unsuccessful we'll send you feedback and you can re-apply next year.