Our educational offer Safeguarding Safeguarding Keeping young people safe Excellent safeguarding practice underpins everything we do here at the Anne Frank Trust. We believe everyone has the right to protection from harm, abuse or exploitation. And the wellbeing of children and young people is of paramount importance. Our safeguarding measures include: regular in-depth training for all our staff and trustees safer recruitment processes, including DBS checks, for all our staff and trustees detailed policy and procedures, updated at least annually clear lines of reporting and accountability an appropriately trained Designated Safeguarding Lead in our education team governance oversight including an incident report at every board meeting, a designated safeguarding trustee, and an annual scrutiny review. Our Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded here. If you have any questions or need to raise a safeguarding issue, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead Sarah Nuzum here. If your concern is urgent, please call Sarah on: 07878 093684 If a child or young person is in immediate danger, phone the police on 999. Manage Cookie Preferences