#BecauseofAnneFrank we educate thousands of young people against prejudice.
With your help we can educate even more.


We are pleased to announce we are extending our #BecauseofAnneFrank appeal until the end of June.

As you may know, Monday 12th June 2023 would have been Anne Frank’s 94th birthday. To mark this important occasion, we are launching the #BecauseofAnneFrank campaign to honour her and the way her diary has inspired generations of people around the world.

#BecauseofAnneFrank we have empowered young people across England and Scotland, creating confident and passionate ambassadors against prejudice. During this campaign we are asking you to consider supporting this vital work by donating. What we do wouldn't be possible without your support and your generosity really makes a difference to young people's lives. 

As Anne wrote in her diary on 11th April 1944, “I’ll make my voice heard, I’ll go out into the world and work for humankind!” And with your support, we are ensuring that thousands of young people can do the same – in memory of Anne. Zoha, aged 13 from Bradford is just one of the amazing young people who you have helped so far.

Zoha's story

I wanted to be an Anne Frank Ambassador because unfortunately, in the world we are living in today, prejudice and discrimination are realities. I remember being at home in the pandemic and hearing about what happened to George Floyd, I wanted to play my part in trying to change things. It isn’t fair for anyone to be treated differently because of their identity, the colour of their skin or who they are.

As someone who has personally experienced prejudice in her life, and witnessed it happening to other people, I know what a horrible feeling it is when you think you don’t belong and when you think that you’re the one who is doing something wrong.
I want to talk about that and change it.

I took part in the Anne Frank exhibition at my school and became one of the peer educators – guiding other people in school around the exhibition. It was an amazing experience, and it really helped open my eyes to the wider world and realise that we need to put an end to all prejudice and discrimination. I was really inspired by Anne Frank. Despite all that she suffered, she believed that there was light at the end of the tunnel. She believed that change would come.

I think overall, being an Anne Frank Ambassador has helped me become a more well-rounded person. The support we get is a huge motivation and confidence boost as it tells me that what we are doing has value and it gives me belief that we can tackle prejudice and discrimination and that we can make a difference together.

You make this possible. Without your support we wouldn't be able to reach young people like Zoha. In 2022 92,438 young people across 232 schools were empowered through our work. We created 4,101 peer guides and 107 Anne Frank Ambassadors. 

Improving young people's ability to recognise prejudice, understand prejudice, and develop greater empathy to those who face prejudice. (Read our full impact report)

And your generosity will allow us to do even more. 

If you would like to donate by BACS, please contact Chantelle at [email protected]

Give today

Fundraise in your school #BecauseofAnneFrank

We know how inspired young people in schools have been by Anne Frank and her legacy, so we are asking you to consider supporting our #BecauseofAnneFrank campaign by fundraising for us. Perhaps you could consider doing an own clothes day, or a cake sale, sponsored walk, read, or dance. All the money raised will go towards our work in schools and make a massive difference to young people around the country.

This campaign is running until the 19th June, but if you need more time to set up your event, don't worry! You can take part after this date,  just let us know and we can help you with everything you need.

Download your fundraising poster here!


If you would be interested in getting involved in this campaign, or would like any further information about the campaign, please get in touch with Chantelle on [email protected].

..Share your thoughts on social media

..Complete the sentence '#BecauseofAnneFrank...' and tag ..us to show how Anne Frank's legacy has inspired you.