Before and after, Jodie Before, I was normal.After, I was the enemy. Before, I had friends. After, I had allies. Before, I trusted that nothing bad would happen.After, I believed that something good would never come. Before, I was part of the nation.After, I was the scapegoat of the nation. Before, I was judged on personality. After, I was judged on religion. Before, I walked freely in the streets. After, I was locked in an annexe. Before, I knew who would help me. After, I knew who would betray me. Before, I was human. After, I was a problem.Before, I learned others’ religion through talking. After, I learned others’ religion through their clothing. Before, I found friends in strangers. After, I was scared to look.Before, the people fleeing the country were criminals. After, the people fleeing the country were innocents. Before, war was the tragic past. After, war was harsh reality. Before, I was just another little girl. After, I was Anne Frank. Before, the girl in the annexe had a voice. After, the people can choose to have one too. Before, some learned hate.After, we can choose to learn love.Before. After. By JODIE, 14. Previous Next Back to poetry ages 13-15 gallery Manage Cookie Preferences