"Yesterday I had a horrible fright. At eight o’clock the doorbell suddenly rang. All I could think of was that someone was coming to get us, you know who I mean. But I calmed down when everybody swore it must have been either pranksters or the postman."

The Diary of Anne Frank, Thursday 1 October 1942

Remembering HRH Queen Elizabeth II: 1926-2022

The death of the Queen on 8th  September 2022 has been a source of grief across the nation and the world.

HRH Elizabeth II dedicated her life to public service, working to bring us together and support the unity of people across the globe. In 2015 she visited the Bergen-Belson death camp to commemorate the 70th anniversary of its liberation by British soldiers. She paid her respects to the victims, including Anne Frank, and met with survivors and liberators.

Anne Frank had the image to the left, of a young Princess Elizabeth of York, on her bedroom wall and wrote in her diary about the then Princess’s 18th birthday, showing the fascination Her Majesty held for so many.

We extend our sympathy and support to His Majesty King Charles III, Her Majesty Camilla, Queen Consort and all of the royal family at this sad time.

New Date: Annual Lunch 2023

Our Annual Lunch to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 

Please note, the date of our Annual Lunch has changed. Please save the date for TUESDAY 24th JANUARY 2023 (this replaces the previously advertised date of Thursday 19th January).  

We will be returning to our usual venue of the London Hilton, Park Lane. The Lunch will be hosted by BBC presenter Jo Coburn, and include a specially commissioned live spoken word performance from our young Anne Frank Ambassadors. 

The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day in 2023 is Ordinary People. Anne Frank was an ordinary young person with extraordinary talent.  The unique genius of her Diary has helped millions to understand the impact of the Nazis on ordinary Jewish people.  

We do hope you will be able to join us for the Annual Lunch and will send more details in due course.

Youth Empowerment Showcase

Anne Frank Ambassadors share their creative responses to our first residential trip

 Following our first ever Youth Empowerment Programme residential earlier in the summer we held an online showcase to celebrate the success of the trip.

An audience of schools, families and our supporters were treated to Anne Frank Ambassadors sharing their creative pieces and reflections from the trip to the Lake District, where they deepened their learning and developed their confidence in challenging prejudice.

We also welcomed Holocaust survivor Dr Agnes Grunwald-Spier MBE, Trevor Avery from the Lake District Holocaust Project, and Children's Author Tom Palmer as guest speakers.

Check out our news article to learn more and read some of our Ambassadors creative pieces.

Read more

Calling London Schools!

Help young people in London learn Anne Frank's story and gain the confidence to challenge prejudice

Calling all London Schools. We recently appointed a new Anne Frank Worker in London and now have the capacity to deliver our impactful programmes in even more schools across Greater London.

Through our core programmes, Voices for Equality and A History for Today, young people aged 10-15 learn Anne Frank’s story and discover the power they have to challenge prejudice.

After taking part in these programmes students can also apply for our new Youth Empowerment Programme where they can further their learning, attend residential trips, develop their skills, attend our youth conference and meet other young people from around the country.

If you know a school who might be interested then please share, or sign up today. 

Contact: [email protected]

More info

Warren runs the London Marathon

On Sunday 2nd October Warren ran the London Marathon for the Anne Frank Trust

Completing the course in an impressive 3:30:55, we'd like to thank Warren for taking on the historic 26.2 mile route in support of our work.

If you're as impressed as we are by Warren's efforts, please show your support by helping Warren reach his fundraising target of £2000. There is still time to donate, and every donation, whether small or large, matters. Thank you!

"I feel very privileged to run for the Anne Frank trust. I feel it is so important to empower young people with the knowledge and skills to challenge all forms of prejudice and discrimination."  - Warren

Support Warren

Amazon Smile

You shop. Amazon gives. Visit Amazon Smile UK to support our work as you shop

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  2. Sign in with the same account you use for Amazon.co.uk
  3. Select Anne Frank Trust UK
  4. Start shopping as normal! Remember to checkout at smile.amazon.co.uk to generate donations for your chosen charity.
    Tip: Add a bookmark to make it easier to shop at smile.amazon.co.uk

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Coming up

October marks both Black History Month and Hate Crime Awareness Week (8-16 October). We will observe both of these events in our work with schools over the next month, as well as on our social media channels. We'll share a summary of our activities in our next eNewsletter.

If you would like to sign up to receive our monthly ebulletin, register here