On Sunday 28 May, Stuart Berkoff toon on the RideLondon 100 mile challenge established as an Olympic legacy event from London 2012.

We are so grateful to Stuart Berkoff for taking on the distance to raise money in support of our work. His ride took him in a loop from central London through to the Essex countryside before finishing back in London. It's an incredible test of resilience and we are so grateful to everyone who showed such amazing support.

Stuart's story

"I am challenging myself with a 100 mile bike ride - a distance I have never cycled before. It's going to be painful but hopefully you can make it worthwhile!

I am raising money for The Anne Frank Trust - a great charity that changes the lives of young people.  Last year, 1 in 10 pupils missed school because they felt unsafe. The vast majority of those young people were from minoritised groups. 

The Anne Frank Trust goes into schools to work with young people to tackle prejudice and discrimination. They educate about Anne Frank, the Holocaust and all forms of contemporary prejudice, starting with antisemitism. The impact of these programmes is incredible and creates lasting change. By educating on how to challenge prejudice, we can make the world a better place for everyone."

Show Stuart your support today!