Voices for Equality In this exciting programme your students learn from the uniquely inspiring life and work of Anne Frank through readings and video extracts from her diary. By exploring contemporary and historic forms of prejudice and discrimination they reflect on the dangers if left unchallenged. Through peer education they share their learning and message of equality throughout your school community. I found that this experience has significantly changed my confidence levels and allowed me to gain and understanding on the devastation of the Holocaust. It has progressed the way I think of the world and of all the unique people around me. A main message I took away was to embrace individuality and to never demonise or discriminate against others. I want to pass what I have learnt on to people all around me.- Sophie, Ambassador Learning outcomes thorough knowledge of Anne Frank, the Holocaust, antisemitism and prejudice in different forms today understanding of key ideas including discrimination, stereotypes and unconscious bias well-developed skills in critical thinking, discussion, presentation and public speaking significantly more positive attitudes towards Jews and other groups of people in society today an enthusiastic and lasting commitment to equality, with the confidence to speak out and take effective action How it works You can engage up to 30 young people in our Voices for Equality core programme. They don't need any previous knowledge or experience, our Anne Frank Workers will help them develop all the learning and skills they need. This programme is suitable for any classroom and uses video, audio and text extracts from Anne Frank's Diary, as well as other resources such as Nazi propaganda posters to show the dangers of antisemitism and stereotypes of all kinds. Day 1 Your students spend the day learning about Anne Frank, the Holocaust and prejudice today. They take part in whole-class learning, small group discussions, movement and role play plus worksheet activities such as quizzes, writing and drawing. Day 2 We help your students with skills-based training to develop their peer education projects. Focusing on creativity, teamwork, presentation skills and public speaking, young people create and practice delivering their learning to peers. This might be through scripts for a speech in assembly, artwork for a showcase, presentations, quizzes or other learning activities to run with groups of their peers. Day 3 With ideas and guidance from us, you help set up opportunities for your peer educators to share their anti-prejudice learning with others in your school. This might be through an assembly, art showcase or special event with parents, peers and other invited guests. Follow up learning Our Anne Frank Worker returns to see some of the peer education in action, to offer feedback and reflections on learning, to present a certificate to each peer educator, and to look at future options for speaking out against prejudice, including our youth empowerment programme. How to book Email us at [email protected] and let us know you'd like to book History for Today. We'll be in touch as soon as we can to arrange a date that suits you. “It is easy to say [that] young people have a voice, but sometimes they do not know how to use it… The Anne Frank Trust shows there are many ways to be creative and to say to young people: you matter, you are important, and you can use your individuality to make a difference and to make the world a better place”. – Ms Shah, Bingley Grammer School Manage Cookie Preferences