We've been running our anti-prejudice workshops in schools for over 30 years, and independent research shows they're truly effective. They are lively, interactive group sessions, carefully structured and expertly delivered.

We can offer our workshops on a standalone basis, but for lasting impact we recommend booking alongside our core programmes, History for Today or Voices for Equality.

The workshops exceeded all my expectations. The students were not only 'told' information but were able to feel and express their opinions regularly. Constantly considering their stories and experiences alongside Anne's was a wonderful exploration into such sensitive subjects made very appropriate for primary aged students.

- Teacher, West Yorkshire

Learning outcomes
  • knowledge of a particular form of prejudice and the discrimination it can cause
  • understanding of key ideas such as stereotypes and unconscious bias
  • skills in critical thinking and discussion
  • an understanding of Anne Frank's experiences of antisemitism during the Holocaust
  • inspiration from Anne's diary and the work of other famous figures
  • pro-equality values
How it works

You can choose up to 30 of your students to take part in one of our workshops, though we are flexible if you have a smaller or larger group. They don't need any previous knowledge or experience, our Anne Frank Workers will help them develop all the learning and skills they need.  

We offer workshops on a wide range of topics. Ideally we would spend two hours with your students to really explore your chosen topic, but we can adapt to 60 or 90 minutes if needed. Each workshop follows a structured lesson plan, which we can adapt to your specific needs or contexts. Activities include whole-class learning, small group discussions, movement and role plays, films and audio clips, plus worksheet activities such as quizzes, writing and drawing.

Choose your workshop


Anti-Black Racism 


Gender inequality




We develop all our workshops in consultation with people with lived experience. Once you've chosen the right workshop for you, send us an email at [email protected] letting us know your choice and we can get you booked in for a time that suits you.

I always thought that antisemitism was just something that happened in the past and didn't realise it was still happening today. The workshop made me think about how wrong it is to judge somebody just because of their religion and how that must feel. We are all human and must make sure everyone is treated equally and with respect.

Workshop participant, South Yorkshire